Krav Maga is the official self defense system of the Israeli Defense Forces,
and has been taught to hundreds of law enforcement agencies, private security companies and thousands of civilians in the United States. Krav Maga is a simple, effective self defense system that emphasizes instinctive movements, practical techniques, and realistic training scenarios. Krav Maga Worldwide, Inc., was created in 1999 to help spread Krav Maga training across the United States and around the globe. Darren Levine, 6th degree black belt and recipient of a Founder’s Diploma from Krav Maga creator Imi Lichtenfeld, founded the company. The company certifies instructors and oversees quality control at hundreds of authorized Krav Maga Worldwide™ training centers in the United States, Canada, Japan, Mexico, and Europe.
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Thought this was a an excellent video on having and building self confidence for all areas of life.
Oakland Mayor Jean Quan's pledge to restore the Police Department to 803 sworn officers in the next five years isn't good enough for some of her neighbors in the Oakland hills.
Sixty-three homeowners on three streets in the city's Oakmore neighborhood, just a block from the mayor's home on Braemar Road, have hired a private security firm to patrol their blocks during daylight hours, when break-ins are most common. Next Monday, Melvin Road, Brentwood Road and Rosecrest Drive will have a bona fide neighborhood security patrol. Read more: As home invasions are on the rise throughout California its difficult for the police to patrol all neighborhoods or to investigate all home invasions. Many neighborhoods are now taking matters into their own hands by hiring private security companies to protect their homes. Private security companies have been booming and are a way to provide many solutions for clients.
So in what ways are private security companies able to assist? Each community has a unique personality - location, layout, traffic flow, specialized facilities, Tenant rules, customized bylaws, and Home Owner preferences that must all be considered when providing armed or unarmed Security Courtesy Patrol services. Additionally, as a community matures, its security needs change, the private security company moves with that change and evolves to combat current threats. Security officers may foot patrol your property in search of suspicious or problem subjects. Any and all contacts will be documented through report writing using photographic and video supplements, and then provide it to their clients. Many security companies offer their clients a 24 hour per day 7 days per week call center. As crime is on the rise in many neighborhoods through out California people are turning to Private Security Companies to protect their homes. Private security guards are responsible for preventing violence, theft and rules violations on the properties they guard. Patrolling and monitoring the surroundings of an area are just part of a security guards duties. Private security guards also answer alarms, investigate disturbances, inspect and adjust security systems, and write reports of any disturbances or activity that occurred on their shifts.
AuthorJose A. Archives
March 2023